Friday, December 2, 2011

How can I expose or report animal abuse, neglect, or mistreatment of dogs in a humane society.?

Take pictures!! You can rarely prove anything to anyone about animal abuse without pictures. Just visit, pretending you want to adopt a dog for your "family", take pictures to "show to your kids/spouse", say you'll be back tomorrow, then call the law enforcement agency over them to report it (County if it outside of city limits, city if it's inside). If that doesn't help, send the pictures to the local newspaper. They react when law enforcement are too busy to handle animal cases.|||Call your local or the nearest Humane Society. If you don't have one call your local Sheriff's department. They should be glad to help.|||Depends on where you live, there may be a specific nuber to call for that. Most places you can just call the cops.

If your feeling really vicious call PETA, they have websites and armies of fanatics to do the dirty work for you.|||You could call the R.S.P.C.A or any other animal shelter.|||Is it the humane society as a whole or certain individuals? Have the person /persons been reported yet. Your going to need proof when reporting any abuse. Try to get pictures or video recordings if possible of the abuse first, this will help your allegations of abuse. Make sure you make a second copy, give them this one and you keep the originals (in case if the first ones "get lost"). If nothing is being done you will next need to contact the local police and give them copies of your proof. Finally if this doesn't work, go to the local news and give them a copy of your proof. Make sure you never give the originals to them and keep them in a very safe location.|||FIRST there has to be REAL abuse going on, if the abuse is in a city shelter you need to contact the Mayors office in the area, for a humane society you better have real abuse going on and who else to call except the local media but it BETTER BEREAL ABUSE sometime peoples abuse or definition of abuse differ, I would not waste my time with PETA%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;THEY AREWAY OUT THERE ACTUALLY COMPLETE IDIOTS IN MY OPINION THEY GO WAAAAAAAYY OVERBOARD%26gt;%26gt;%26gt; if you report abuse have some REAL abuse if not dont waste your time or anyone elses for that matter.....|||If you have evidence to back up what you are stating contact the media as well as the mayors office. Politicians always need motivation. I also like the idea of contacting PETA. However make sure you have evidence and it is serious before you contact them. Sometimes they will even help you with getting the evidence you need.|||Contact the local newspaper, radio, television.... Also contact the local police dept. Call P.E.T.A !!!

Make certain you have evidence to show them or they'll visit to do a "welfare" check, everything will seem alright and they'll be employee's saying that you are simply disgruntled....

Yeah... I'd call P.E.T.A b/c they'd be more likely to be able to investigate and gather evidence....|||the rspca will help. if you cant do that try any other humane society and ask them.|||Are you saying the abuse is happening in the humane society !?

If it is phone the police/sherrif they will take action or phone your local protection of animals like the rspca or what ever yours is

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