Tuesday, December 6, 2011

How do you feel about BIG BUSINESS and their history of LYING and MISTREATMENT of Workers? ? ?

How do you feel about Big Business outsourcing labor, lying about the safety of their products, exploiting their workers, exploiting cheaper labor markets around the world, polluting the environment, immorally influencing politics and politicians, their history of anti-workers rights and union busting, their history of tax dodging, insider trader, becoming huge conglomerates, becoming monopolies, and receiving corporate welfare that comes out of tax payers pockets? ? ? ?

You SHOULDN'T feel good about that at all!

Unions have their flaws, but without them, big business would walk all over their employees. Without Unions we wouldn't have a 40 hour work week and there wouldn't be any Child Labor Laws, we wouldn't be entitled to Over Time, Vacation and Sick time or Medical Benefits, or Pensions. Without Unions there would be standards for ergonamics in the workplace, no guaranteed breaks or lunch hours, no standards for working conditions including temperature, etc., and there would be|||That is the American way.|||LOL, marxists are a dern hoot!

a HOOT I tells ya|||It's obvious you favor unions. And they were good in the beginning. But they have outlived their usefulness.

1. This is a free country you can leave your job any time you want. You are not a slave.

2. Read the book "Quit before you are fired".

3. If you are afraid of leaving your job because if what might happen. Consider this. What would happen if the company you work for folded?

4. Unions can still have a good function--Go to those countries that don't have them and start some. That way the wages will go up there and they can afford to buy US goods.

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