Friday, December 2, 2011

Why does chronic mistreatment make some people mean?

My mom's second husband beats her ... and treats her terribly. My mom's turned into a very mean person, mad at the world, petty,vindictive, etc.

Why? Wouldn't she know how it feels and treat people well?|||Spouse abuse should be a punishable crime but those who are its victims are often forced to endure for many reasons, including a lack of self-worth and they have done something to deserve the beating. They also may feel they cannot do better than their present circumstances or, the person who is doing the beating only does so when, for example, drinking, and otherwise may be a loving companion. Many victims cannot escape as they have nowhere to go or, they don't want friends or family members knowing their circumstances - for some reason victims frequently are embarrassed and don't want others to know. They shouldn't feel that way.

You don't say how old you are or, if you live with your mother and stepfather. Have you tried to talk to her or, has another family member tried? Your mom is like a hamster on a wheel, going through the same routine, the same treatment every day and her view never changes. That would indicate pretty good reasons for how she feels and, she may further feel that she was taken in by this man, feels cheated out of life, has to live with it thereby taking it out on others.|||If you look at her situation, she probably felt helpless (maybe you can try letting her open up over time so she can tell you all about it). Some people, despite that they seek help and doesn't turn out well, become like that. I think the key is to break what shackles them to those memories.

Oh, BTW, if she's still with that turd, why not leave him? /curious/

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