Tuesday, December 6, 2011

I mother always talks behind my back. I have a good job and I try to help out when I can.why the mistreatment.?

I just recently had a wreck in my car. I now have to depend on my mother to take me to and from work.I recently found out that she has been saying she wants me out of her house and that all I do is sleep and I never help out which is lie. She has always had a negative approach about me my whole life. Is there something I did wrong.|||I would try to get on my feet AS SOON AS possible and move out,but try to calmly and respectful , talk to your mom to find out what problems she may with you.|||Not knowing the entire story, the only thing I could suggest is simply asking her why she's so negative toward you all the time. Try to make plans to get out on your own in the meantime. It's going to be rough if you don't have a car of your own. At least you have a job.

Ask her what she would like you to do more around the house. Sometimes communication is a good thing, even if it does hurt to know the truth.|||Who knows but I would plan of moving and be sure that she knew why

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