Friday, December 2, 2011

What are some examples of World War 1 mistreatment?

Explosive shells, poison gas, bullets, trenchfoot, hunger, lousy sanitary conditions, bullet wounds, corpses rotting in no-man's land, stink, snipers, artillery barrages, lice, typhus, mud, cold.|||Define mistreatment.

The conditions described in one of the other answers are a true description of conditions, but what, exactly, do you mean by 'mistreatment?"

Are you talking of mistreatment of civilian populations by the armies fighting on their lands? The mistreatment of prisoners of war?

Please be a little more specific; your question is good, but pretty vague.|||A lot of writing about WW1 involves the mistreatment of the (working class) troops by the indifferent upper-class generals, many of whom believed the only way to win a war was through attrition, as opposed to strategy.

Two of the biggest wastes of soldiers' lives include the Battle of the Somme and Gallipoli. These, and other battles like Verdun, spelled the end of the belief that "dulce et decorum est pro patria mori" (It is good and right to die for one's country.)|||The whole b-l-o-o-dy event really

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