Thursday, November 24, 2011

How is mens mistreatment by family/divorce courts NOT oppression?

All the more reason, fella's, to NEVER get married.|||Well probably they are. A lot of men today are abused because of their angry alcoholic wives battering on them every time they come home late. Not to mention they're forced to take care of bratty kids.

I love your hat!!! Add me!!!|||There's a wide variety of literature that deals with the subject on the Internet - especially MRA websites. You will find all your answers there, or at least as many as people have given.|||Can you elaborate, since every divorced man I know made out much better than his ex-wife?|||In what way IS it "oppression"? Men have the exact same judicial systemn as women, they just don't use it to their advantage.

Has there ever been a film depicting the mistreatment of natives in Canada?

Has there ever even been a film about Canada?

Is discrimination the mistreatment of the "victim"?

I am posting it for find out what is the reaction of the persons to my understanded definition of "driscrimination".|||only the minorities. whites have no protection against discrimination. affirmative action, welfare and hate crimes are government sponsored discrimination.|||I'd say it was treating the person differently to anyone else because of their race, colour etc.

Should I report the abuse or mistreatment of people to an agency?

4 months ago I had discovered that the place that I use to go to had been abusing the clients in a psychiatric treatment facility.the staff were abusive my doctor use to have me writing my own prescriptions and the secretary was nasty.then when I had enough I did some thing stupid because I wanted a way out and I was tired of the abuse.But I heard that the abuse is continuing is it too late to file a grievance?|||You must report this. It is morally unjust to leave the future patients of this place to suffer as you did. The mentally ill are much more vulnerable to such treatment and may not be able to speak out against it.|||you should report it|||Definitly report it, youll be helping a bunch of ppl out|||that is just it noone wants to be involved i would report it in a heart beat .your there for help not abuse we had enough of that in our life time it is suppose to be a safe place do it for others that cant good luck|||Report this immediately to stop them.It is never too late to file a grievance.|||YOU SHOULD DEFINATLY REPORT THEM!

when something really horrible happens you will wish that you had.|||You absolutely have to report this! Think of all the suffering you'll stop.

Is feminism mankind's revenge on women for millennia of mistreatment?

For thousands of years, men were forced to die in wars, to toil laboriously, and to quietly accept their women's domestic lives of leisure. But under feminism, men can sit at home while their wives bring home the bacon and they can get lots of kitty without any need for commitment. So is feminism the long-awaited revenge against thousands of years of abuse by the hands of women?|||this is the main problem with feminism. It is one sided. They act as if only women go through/went through hardships and struggles and all men live the good life. It is a sick and disturbing way to look at things.

Jade196's gynocentrism in her answer just proves this point. This is why feminists should not be taken seriously and used as a the basis of equality and gender issues|||Hmmm... so women were married off to whatever man picked them and pleased their father. They were forced to have sex and be with that man for the rest of their lives. They were required to raise the children and cook and clean and care for house and home. Most people were struggling just to eat.

They couldn't own land, couldn't learn, couldn't follow most any career path, and weren't taken seriously (their opinions and thoughts). And women were the ones abusing the men?

Women had no choice over how the majority of their lives played out. They had no possible way to abuse men through their life decisions because they had no choices.|||and women can also get it without any commitment too right?|||Yes! Yes! We will extract our revenge from them!

I need help finding information on the mistreatment of women and slaves in civil war time?

I have to do a history project and I want to compare how both women and slaves were treated somewhat alike, but I can't find anything so if you could help me find some sources, that would be awesome|||Women were legally chattel of their husbands or sons or fathers and had almost no rights to own property. This was true in most states north and south, although the New England states were more willing to recognize women's rights because of the Quakers. Many Quaker preachers were women, but mostly married women.

Although a man could not openly sell his daughter like a slave, he could do almost anything else with her short of killing her.|||鈥?/a>

As an ugly person, should i take my own life because the constant mistreatment?

People have various opinions about different things. Some are positive, and some are negative. One opinion I might have about you is: "you are beautiful". Its just an opinion...a idea. It not true, nor is it false...its something that i think...its my opinion, something that I am entitled to. Same with: "you are ugly"...just an opinion, a thought coming from another person. If I came up to you and said, "you are beautiful"...How would you interpret that? a positive way right? would take that as a compliment. What you have to understand though, is that "you are beautiful" is an opinion, not a fact. YOU chose to interpret it the way YOU wanted to. Same thing works with, "you are ugly"...interpret it the way you want to. You can either get all upset about it...or can just say that I am entitled to my own opinion.

Is there a standard for beauty?...How do you know what is beautiful and what isnt?...After all its only a bunch of opinions. Even if you think a person might obviously be very pretty, or handsome...its only an opinion...there is no standard for beauty. If some one talks about you behind your back and you dont hear, do you get upset? You dont since you didnt even hear how can a thought cause you to get upset?...its only when you do hear it, and interpret it in a negative way...only then do you get upset. People dont get other people upset...its the way you interpret it that creates specific emotions.|||i think you need to find something in life that has nothing to do with looks, e.g. work on the internet or something, and basicaly just cheer up, youll never get anywhere thinking like that.|||honestly if you are concerned about physical appearance enough, there's plastic surgery|||if you're really THAT ugly then you should know there's women out there that are JUST as ugly or worse so you have hope in that department. as far as other people go, if u dont ask them what they're laughing at then you shouldn't assume that they're laughing at you because you're ugly. learn to be comfortable for who you are inside, if someone cant accept you the way you are then it's not worth having them in your life|||WHAT? TAKE UR OWN LIFE %26amp; THEN HAVE THE DEVIL LAUGH AT YOU, I DON'T THINK SO. LIVE THE LIFE GOD GAVE YOU AND LET HIM HAVE THE SAY SO WHEN ITS OVA. DO U REALIZE HOW MANY BEAUTIFULLY F***ED UP PEOPLE THERE ARE? THOSE WHO VERBALIZE NEGATIVE ISSUES NEED TO OWN THEIR OWN SH**. THEIR THE ONES WITH ISSUES DEAR NOT YOU.|||If you don't like the way you look, then change!|||If you can't stand hell in life, you certainly won't tolerate the real one when you're dead. Suicide isn't the answer. Instead, vent all your frustration, anger, and despair to God- He specializes in hurting people. The Lord helped me when I was in torment, and no one else could.

I'm not talking religion here- it's about relationship. Get one going with God through Jesus Christ, and He'll bring you favor with Himself and with people. He'll cause enemies to leave you alone if you try to please Him. And He'll change you from the inside out. Just invite Jesus Christ into your heart by asking, believe on Him, talk to Him and live by His Word (in the Bible) every day. Stay busy by serving Him in a local Bible-believing church and make new friends there who will love you.

The Lord has turned my life around and He can and will do the same for you if you trust Him. He has no favorites.|||please don't think taking your own life helps what would help others is you becoming the person you want to be your life is as precious as a star in the heavens those people that mistreat you are the shameful ones looks matter to those who are shallow i pity them as they can never grow to be beautiful and fulfilled as i am sure you can you show them and stick your fingers up at them good luck and take care of your self|||become successful in an Jesus loves you....he dont think yur ugly|||beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and if you're a good person with a great personality it will shine through and make you look good on the outside, trust me it happens all the time


HUSBAND HAS GAIN GREEN IN LEG GREEN LIQUID LEAKING AND THE JAIL WONT MEDICALLY HELP HIM NEED NAMES AND NUMBERS TO CALL PLEASE HELP! IM IN KENTUCKY HELP PLEASE!|||Go to a lawyer first and talk to them. And then they should know what to do. And then go to a judge and tell them about the mistreatment of inmates.|||Please don't type in all caps. It is hard to read and considered rude (internet version of shouting).

Try the Kentucky Department of Corrections.


I have a brother at Kern Valley State Prison and he says to be mistreated. He keeps telling me how they give them very lil to eat and put everyone on lock down for what went on at 1 building. He's been in prison for about 9 yrs now and never complained. I'm afraid they really are being TOO unfair. Can some one help me please?? Is there some way I can reach out to the news, and warn families who may have other loved ones there?|||I would start with the warden. If you get no where, he's gotta answer to someone right? go to his boss...and if still nothing starting threaten with human rights lawyer and the media. That should get things rolling. Prisoners have rights, too. They are people that made mistakes, but they are still people...I understand how you feel.|||Prison isnt meant to be a nice little summer camp... as long as he gets food, water and a place to sleep then he's doing good. Be grateful he's not in a Mexican prison|||You can complain to the warden or talk to state representative in your area, but I doubt it will do much good. Rules are rules and as long as he's not being beaten by the guards or flat out starved, I don't think anyone's going to be changing the rules.

Is it ok to support the mistreatment of animals and still eat meat or is it wrong?

no thats totally normal..i actually had a class discussion on this just yesterday|||Thats called hiprocosy. If you eat meat you SUPPORT factory farms and the slaughter and cruelty of animals. period.|||Go away.|||You'd be very surprised at the number of vegetarians that support the mistreatment of animals!

Haven't you ever seen a vegetarian wearing leather shoes, or with a leather bag? Vegetarians use feather pillows all the time (they didn't pluck those ducks and geese and let them go free after that, you know!)...|||Certainly you can support what ever cause you like. The animals will still be a commody whether or not your support their killing. YOu can eat meat and enjoy it as a food item and don't associate it with their mistreatment. This is exactly why farmers do not name their animals and removed them from the moms directly after birth. to make the entire industry not human, but animal.|||Are you saying you "support the mistreatment" of animals? If that's the case, you shouldn't even be allowed to eat:)|||your question isnt worded very well. Do you mean to NOT support the mistreatment of animals and still eat meat? How would eating meat be not mistreating an animal? It had to die in order for you to satisfy your appetite, thats mistreatment. Mother nature gives us everything we need to thrive on a plant and grain based diet. I think you just need to choose which side of the issue you are going to be on, and not just ride the fence. Good luck|||i think that's kind of senseless, u saying that u support mistreatment of animals yet u continue to shove dead flesh down your damn throat

but i suppose i should give u credit for at least supporting the act(the mistreatment of animals)|||From which perspective? If it's God your worried about offending, I would say to eat excessive amounts of meat when there are plenty of healthier alternatives availble, yes, that would be wrong. God gave us meat for our use but He also told us to use it sparingly.|||eat away and don't worry about if its wrong or not if it comes down to me surviving or a cow etc.. I'm for me any day|||UGH! You people are disgusting! It's like saying, "Is it O.K. to support people killing people and then eat them?" OF COURSE it's not okay, unfortunately, nobody does anything about it..... :'(|||no, its totally wrong to support the mistreatment of animals and still eat the meat because it's not humane and it's way too cruel. I know it may seem normal but, if you look at it from an animal's perspective, wouldnt you like to be pampered before you die quickly? Or would u like to die a long-painful death along with torture along the way. think about it.|||I love animals and I'm eating a steak sandwich as we speak. However, I don't want to see them mistreated. When animals are raised and slaughtered in a humane and speedy manner I am okay with that. What else is the cow's purpose besides milk, cheese, and meat?|||Normal

God gave us dominion over animals so we have our pets.

And eat them if we should need.|||they were created to feed us. so it is normal.

What are 3 big issues that stem from live stock mistreatment?

3 big issues:

The problems with the service

the safety

the spamers

Greetings The Freak

Can the mistreatment of Native Americans constitute genocide?

Genocide was practiced up to the 1970s/1980s

• No one even today knows exactly how many Native American women were sterilized during the "1970s"

.Sterilization of Native American Women…

• Rampant sexual abuse at reservation schools continued until the end of the "1980s"

• more than 50,000 deaths of Native children in the Canadian residential school system

SOUL WOUND: The Legacy of Native American Schools.…

In "1978", Congress passed the Indian Child Welfare Act which brought about the end of the federal government's policy of forcibly transferring native American children to Indian Boarding Schools.

Reservation Schools law suit|||Affirmative! Genocide is not defined as the killing of a lot of people, but as the willful destruction of a peoples their culture , the suppression of their language and the loss of their nationhood and the loss of their lives. Therefor the case for the American Indian or The South American Indian is a case study in cultural genocide, just the same as for European Jews, European Gypsies or Romanii.|||Only if the mistreatment results in the deaths of large numbers that is what genocide is.|||i think, yes!

How can women avoid condoning the mistreatment of sweatshop workers by being conscious consumers?

It’s nearly impossible in the U.S. today to buy sweatshop-free, even when you *do* buy products made in the U.S. (more than 50 percent of American-made items are made in sweatshops in U.S. territories). Because women are inordinately victimized through sweatshop labor, what can women do with their actions and money as consumers to resist directly or indirectly supporting unfair and inhumane labor practices?

I, for one thing, buy clothes secondhand when possible.|||It's a sick sad world. There's not much that can be done. I know a lot of very bright people who rally against such things yet find themselves buying them anyway. High-profile, published experts on the travesty of globalization, nonetheless. If you're going to live in the world in 2007, the products of cheap labor cannot be escaped. I spent a whole semester studying this....

Buying secondhand is a good idea. I buy massive amounts of used things on eBay, tax free, from individuals, at a fraction of retail.|||Buckethead is right. If people were to boycott products they believe to have been made in sweatshops, the people making the products would lose their jobs. They may not be in ideal work situations, but at least they can make enough to survive.

As for your stats on the US made items. I think you have been listening to --- looking at ---or reading, propaganda. Sounds like ACLU type of crapola.|||arguably if you go second hand you bear no guilt for it's production, with food and such it should say fair trade somewhere and try to go with locally made stuff (small business you can look into personally)

there is some debate regarding the boycott of sweatshop labor but wal-mart is improving conditions in there Chinese factors so no worries about costing some 6 year old there job|||Unfortunately, I have to agree with some of these posters. Having family in Poland and knowing what the pay scale is there, and the mentality that any work is good work because money is food and survival, and where the majority of the young people are leaving their homeland to find better paying jobs to raise their standard of living, I can see their point.

However, that being said, if you know for a fact that a company is abusing its employees, why shop there? I personally will not shop in Wal-Mart or Sam's Club because of this company's policies towards its employees and its practice of price control with vendors. This policy itself guarantees shoddy products in eventuality.

I have heard that the Gap and Old Navy are also stores that should be scrutinized for this type of behavior.

I agree with you; when you know what a company is doing is immoral, why perpetuate it by giving them your custom? It is pure laziness on the part of the consumer.|||Dont shop at Wal-Mart. All of their Stuff is shiped over from Chiniese sweat shops via ship containers, then is taken to a distribution center, loaded onto nice looking wal-mart trailers and delivered to the stores, the american public none the wiser.|||I think by simply doing a little research about any company goes a long way. I read your links and thought they were very good sites.|||yea so why don we all buy ugly secondhand clothes n look as bad as u do. no thank u X-)|||I understand your concerns, and validate them. Very good idea for boycotting. But why is your ? posted to just women?|||Charity begins at home. Start with making sure poor women can live HERE and working class women are treated equitably HERE. When you have achieved that and we are all "consumers" THEN you can ask us to participate in consumer powered actions. Until then, most of us don't have the level of purchasing power you are implying by your question.|||Facts?

I see wild claims but no facts... any facts, about this? anybody????

Bueller? Bueller?

Are you as appalled at the mistreatment of bush by Iraqi reporters? ?

Or apalled that he missed, TWICE, That man is a disgrace, I mean he wasn't more than 15 feet, damn my grandmother can throw better than that, but then, he did throw like a girl. And his planning was way bad, he should have had both shoes off, and in his THROWING hand, and since he couldn't throw for crap, he could have got a little closer, and launched both at the same time. sheeeeeesh.|||well .. that act was childish not act of men and what that man did

wont solve our problems or erase what working on ourselves will achieve it not by thrown shoes.

and about how he missed hitting bush twice ..shows that how much iraqis need to work on themselves cause they even cant throw a shoes lol.|||It was the ultimate insult a Muslim can dish out - to show a man the bottom of his shoes. Ones first impulse might be to find the incident funny, the reality, however, the loss of respect for the office of President of the United States, is very very sad. Shooting at Bush would have been more honorable.

We worry right now about the economy - Iraqi people had theirs destroyed at the beginning of the war and haven't gotten it back. That pair of shoes must have been almost closure for the Iraqi people. I wish all of them a life without explosions, they have suffered enough.|||I'm appalled and disappointed. This not how professional reporters should behave. The reporter, Muntadar al-Zeidi, was at the news conference solely for his job function. This was not a public event which for members of the general public, nor is it the Jerry Springer Show. If al-Zeidi wished to make a political statement or protest, he should wait until he was off-duty from his job. His employer, Al-Baghdadia, should discipline or terminate him.

For all the Bush-haters who've answered, please consider the consequences to diplomacy and to goodwill between nations when any newsman with a chip on his shoulder (whether justified or not) can attack or insult a foreign leader.

Mr. al-Zeidi's action was totally inappropriate. Sure, it's worth a chuckle, but it's certainly nothing praiseworthy.|||He is a hero and bush is a real dog not the american people ok only bush

he miss it ok....... if you were him wouldn't u miss 2 and of course he couldn't take both of his shoe coz the security man will see doing it and he will never get to do what he hes done|||Full marks to the Iraqui guy even if he did miss. It was worth it to see Bush's "little boy baffled" look, will major TV channels please play that AGAIN %26amp; AGAIN %26amp; AGAIN ! ! ! ! And if the guy gets sent to prison, will we attack Iraq all over again, to free him, in the name of Freedom, Justice, Democracy, Fair Play and all that c**p?|||I'm more appalled that more people didnt' throw shoes. I would have. Bush is the disgrace. If he'd bombed my homes and killed my families for OIL, I'd do more that throw a shoe. Can't wait until he's out of office. Hope Obama can clean up the act.|||Personally think it was staged. Would you risk getting your head blown off to throw shoes at bozo. An egg or tomato seems more fitting for a clown. If it was not staged the jerk would have nuked the guy house.|||As we know only too well, ol' Bushie is really good at ducking and weaving. But so was OJ. One of these days-maybe in the afterlife, if there is one-- Bush's karma will bite him squarely on the butt. And won't he be surprised?|||Ah, but the insult doesn't need him to be hit by the shoe.

'Friad to say he made it worse by trying to make a joke of it - what an ***!|||You have to admit that Bush seems very very good at ducking flying shoes. Where did he get all that experience?…|||I am appalled that he could miss.

On the bright side the England cricket team is thinking of signing him as he is better than half of the current team.|||PAUL: is it true that he's joining the england cricket team? Fantastic! Someone that can throw (nearly)!

Maybe this is the turning point.|||I knew your question was going to make me laugh! Thanx needed it...|||I was on the floor laughing my butt off. How could he be so close and miss?

Is the mistreatment of Iraq prisoners by American soldiers an ongoing problem?

Or did it end, for the most part, after the scandal erupted? I'm writing a problem/solution essay so I'd appreciate sources.|||it most definately did not end ! WATER BOARDING

after that dies down it will be replaced by something else

ALSO make sure you mention , rendition flights ie sending prisoners to other countries (out sourcing of torture) where

torture is more acceptable , like israel|||No its not.|||No. It started and ended at Abu Gahrib prison, years ago.|||Whatever the `mistreatment, try being an American soldier hedl by Iraqis or Iranians or any of all those cartoonish little arab or Asian regimes! I guaranty that as bad as being detained by the US could be, its still a walk in the oerk compared to the other way around.|||Are you referring to Abu Graihb?

I don't know. I do know that nobody was killed or seriously injured in that abuse. Also the US government did not endorse this type of treatment of the prisoners and the guards responsible were held to account and punished.

This basically turned into a big story because their were pictures of naked people and it was a black eye for the United States (and there was probably hope among those reporting that it would be tied to Bush). In actuality, what happened in Abu Graihb was probably only slighty worse than a fraternity hazing gone bad.

The bigger problem is the way terrorist groups often treat their prisoners....which often involves severing the head from the body.

Maybe you could write a problem/solution paper about that

Answer this: If you had to be held captive by someone, would you rather be held by the American soldiers at Abu Graihb (that would be the worst among the American soldiers) or al Qaeda militants?

Let me rephrase that. Would you rather be stripped naked, laughed at, and be forced into weird positions with other naked prisoners, or would you like to have your head hacked off?|||They are in hog heaven in our prisons. Ahmadinejad told you that they have no homosexuals in Iran. They don't take prisoners either. What he didn't say but meant was they killed them. If they came out of the closet they are dead.

America is the most wonderful place in the world to live and no American seems to realize it. If you are an American you are a king or queen compared to other countries.

Every time our government mentions talking to the international community I always want to know what for. None have it as good as does America. How could we possibly want anything that any other country has? This is not arrogance. This is being blessed by God.

By your question are you telling me that the American soldiers are suppose to carry the Iraq prisoners around on velvet pillows? God told us to love them. He didn't tell us to give them special treatment. Allah told them to kill the infidels.

You are an infidel. How do you think you would be treated? Not much to understand about DEAD.|||What a load of hooey. Mistreatment by the US. Lets get a few facts straight, something that is an inconvenience such as lack of sleep, mind games and such is not torutre. It has no long term effects. Being decapitated is most definitely torture, not to mention murder. The only scandal was what was drummed up by the politicans and most of them knew about it before it happened , then fiegned ignorance of it. would you rather forego a little torture or have your lifeless body dragged through the streets, hanged or burned or decapitated on national tv? go to iraq and hold the mutilated, lifeless corpse of your battle buddy in your arms, then tell me how you feel about torture.|||you bet ye it is.|||it ended..much to my chagrin

Where can i find a link or links to videos of pitbull mistreatment?

my cousin recently made a very insensitive comment regarding pitbulls. i would like to be able to show him some candid videos revealing just how badly they are mistreated by some. thank you|||Try you tube but all Breeds of dogs can be mistreated by people by showing him that probably wont make him take his comments back|||Videos of the abuse actually happening? No. You will not find that. You will find videos with pictures of dogs which have been abused.

Instead of trying to show him videos and/or pictures, why not try education? This site is very informative about the real American Pit Bull Terrier.鈥?/a>

Just click on *home*.|||Call up your humane society and take him to a shelter to show him dogs involved in fighting the scars etc.;clien鈥?/a> that would be another winner. It is really sad to see people use animals for this. It's not only pit-bull breeds that suffer think of bait animals too.|||I doubt you will find a video that shows actual abuse. Most sites block or remove videos that show illegal activity.

You can try youtube, but not likely that you will find anything.|||

Not a video, but pictures %26amp; a good article.|||you could try here.|||Videos like that shouldn't be passed along.|||Cousin or not why the heck would you want to. Just tell him.|||They are all over YouTube !

Just type in Pit Bull Abuse %26amp; there are Hundreds|||try youtube men say stupid things its in your nature nothing can be done about it

What do you think about Ford announce the new Ford Ranger into a site that promote animal mistreatment?

See the NOVA FORD RANGER banner in the bullfight site from Portugal.|||Oh go cry ho

BOYS: What do you think is a common mistreatment of guys based on their gender?

I'm doing a report on sexism and I briefly mentioned how girls are often discriminated against in sports can you think of an equivalent for guys?|||Well how men are always viewed upon as only wanting one thing (which in SOME cases is true...but its a stereotype thats ridiculously unfair I mean WOMEN WANT IT TOO)|||We're expected to take a beating from violent bytches and not do anything about it.

What Scandinavian filmmaker was accused of sadism in his films due to alleged mistreatment of animals?

It might be Andrei Rublev, he had some pretty gore scenes with animals. You can see some of them on Youtube from his movie Tarkovsky.

What is the solution for the mistreatment of gays in Egypt?

I am a Coptic gay man and Muslims discriminate against me and my life sty;e. Also Muslims banned the prop gay coptic church.

when will the world start helping the pro gay Coptic Christian church of Egypt and Sudan?|||The best solution for the like of you is to be thrown in a garbage.|||If you're gay and wanted to be treated well, there's no better place than Israel, because Gays are an OVERWHELMING majority there.|||Gays are mentally ill so if there is something you can do go to a mental hospital|||Hahaha Sudan kman??!|||your case is forbidden on our tru church as in our islam,,,,,,our copts friends are real men not like you,,,,so you must go away or to go to doctor to cure you it is possiple now days|||You aren't Coptic.

You're a troll.|||Nothing.

Just leave Egypt. The less gays there are; the better....|||head to tel aviv dude, it's the capital of gays.|||GET YOUR A$$ hole ( which hurts u a lot) outta Egypt. and go to America.|||America should cut all aid to Egypt until they approve the gay LGBT coptic Christian church

How do you start a fund raiser for animal abused and mistreatment?

by helping me you'll help many abused and mistreated animals if you want to help in other ways go to myspace and look up animal cruelty is wrong|||Its great that you want to help. A good fundraiser is a car wash. It sounds cliche but it does work. Just make a bunch of large signs saying where the money is going and the animals that it is benefiting. You will have many animal lovers coming and donating plenty. You will make more money if you dont "charge" anything and just ask for donations. Because if its $5 the people will pay $5, if its donations only, the people are more likely to give $10 or $20. Good Luck!|||I hope you want to have a fund raiser AGAINST animal abuse and mistreatment.. not FOR it..

you have to either form a charity or work with one..

you can add this link to your MYSPACE which talks about common cruelties in the pet industry鈥?/a>

add the link - dont copy the info -

Does male objectification of women necessarily lead to lack of respect/mistreatment?

Being that objectifying women is part of men's nature....

I'm a guy, and when I have a woman objectifying me, I love it. I find it annoying if it's a desperate woman or a desperate gay man, but it's still flattering.

I'm sure I'll receive many detailed responses, but in the end, my real question is: Does objectification necessarily lead to better treatment than non-objectification?|||I think it mainly has to do with...

a. how your mother was treated/respected by your father

b. how your father treated women in general

c. how you were raised to treat women.

I think one can objectify another for the sheer sake of shallow admiration for good looks and still be an honorable, decent, kind acting, respectful person.....

I'm a woman, and I'm guilty of objectifying men, but I believe that ultimately it boils down to character, and that is usually something learned while growing up....|||If men were not interested in women for sex at all, and while there are there will always be some woman complaining about 'objectification', women would be so horribly scorned and oppressed that the Taliban's treatment of women would look like a dream come true. They may not even survive.|||The term "objectifying women" is an incendiary term used to shame men from appreciating beauty.

People that expect men to stop "objectifying women" have unrealistic expectations. Men love to look at an attractive woman or a woman with a nice body.

It's always been this way %26amp; it will always be this way.

That's all there is to it.|||I don't think so.|||I love to look at attractive looking women, but, does that mean I'm objectifying her? Nope..|||No not always; sometimes misfortunate things happen, yet on the whole the answer is no. In the end it always leads to better and preferred treatment.|||personaly no I like being objectified

it feels good

and it ensures i am treated well|||It may not cause men to directly treat women badly (as in physical abuse), but it does make women feel bad. And if someone's behavior makes you feel bad, isn't that described as being mistreated?

Be careful of the distinction between paying compliments and objectification, too. A compliment highlights a specific aspect of a person, while objectification limits a person's scope to the attribute being objectified. Do you see the difference?|||Rio is exactly right. There would be very few new children born absent the male's arousal at the sight of a beautiful woman.|||Is she really objectifying you? She's flirting with you and treating you like a person, not like an object for her pleasure. But if objectification what you're into, far be it from anyone to stop you.

Objectification may lead someone else to feel flattered and wanted, but in the end, if they aren't being treated like a rational human being, it isn't worth it.|||Male objectification is only a symptom of mistreatment of women. I don't believe there is a direct cause-effect analogy here. How many times have we, as men (especially in the company of men), oggled a woman. The guys might be having a drink and saying "Wow, she has a great a*ss...she could be my...." and so on. Yet that behaviour does not mean each man will mistreat a woman.

A man who regularly mistreats women has much deeper issues than just objectifying. As part of mistreatment, he probably objectifies them as another avenue to exact his revenge on the gender which has "done him wrong."

Plus, objectification is a relative term. One woman might see it as "boys being boys" vs. being outright offended and upset. A radical feminist who sees a man taking a second glance a nicely dressed, shapely woman would call him a b@stard. A realist feminist would just say he was enjoying the view (unless, of course, he was following and staring for a long period of time).

Mistreatment in the workplace. I need all the help I can get?

I have not had a day off in 10 days and have worked 12-16 hours each day. One shift I worked 24 hours straight and returned to work only two short hours later. I am an exempt employee so I am not entitled to overtime. However I feel as if this is abuse and I need to know my rights. I am currently looking for another job but I do not want them to get away with this even after I leave. Please help!|||If you are in the military that may be "normal" ,but, not safe. Is there a "Labor Board " in your State? Yes, what you are describing is against labor laws in Calif. Make sure you have "documentation". It is very important to have written facts in chronological order to present to the Labor Board. Good luck and welcome to the workforce. This is why some employers prefer "undocumented" workers, they are afraid to file a grievance. The least you can expect are back wages and maybe a "fine" levied on your,soon to be "ex" employer.|||Abuse yes. Illegal? no. sorry, but that's the way it is.|||we do have labor laws here in the US. need to contact the employment security commission, and see if they can help.|||This is hard to believe. . .

If you're working shifts, you should be non-exempt and being paid by the hour. I think you have a Dept of Labor complaint right there.

Obviously they need you; why don't you just tell them that you're taking two days off every week, and only work 40 hours/week (or maybe more, but for your health you shouldn't work more than 60 hours/week). Doesn't sound like they can afford to fire you!|||I believe our labor laws indicate that this is illegal. Check into it, please, for your sake as well as your health. Whether you are exempt or not, they still pay you thereby making you an employee (even if you work for a temporary service).|||If you are an exempt employee, then you should have been aware of the demands of the job before you signed on. If you were not aware that these things were going to occur or have the possibility of occuring, then you need to speak with your management to see what can be done.

Is there a way to anonymously report and educator for mistreatment of children without them knowing who?

reported them? like a 1800 number or something?|||Yes, but you may have to identify yourself at least to the school principal or AP. Even though they should not identify you be sure to get a policy statement about that from them or a statement written out and signed. They should understand your request.

They in turn investigate the claim you've made and report to the Dept. of Family and children's service, or what ever the child protection is called in your school district. Teachers in Georgia are bound by law to report mistreatment.|||You would have to report them to the administration of the school, and most schools don't have 800 numbers. You could probably send them a letter, if you wanted to be anonymous.|||Call child protective services in your area. You can call anonomously and they have to investigate.|||Some districts allow you to bypass the teacher and administrators and report it directly to the district. Then, they send someone out to the school to investigate.

I think this policy evolved because parents felt ignored at the school level. Most people view complaining parents who bypass the teacher or administrators negatively. For ex., a teacher may get fed up with a kid's constant request and answer with a quip. The student takes it seriously and then tells his parents his teacher told him to do x behavior. The parents don't ask any questions to the teacher to get her side. They just report it. In some situations, the cases are worthy of investigation, but a lot of times, it is just nonsense. It is just some student who doesn't want to admit he was acting badly in class, doesn't get social clues, or wants to cause problems for a teacher he doesn't like.|||Depending on where you live there is child abuse hotline number in your telephone directory.|||crime stoppers....police will handle it much better than administrators will|||There will be some kind of child protection services in your area. You can call them anonymously and explain exactly what your concerns are. This sounds serious so if I can encourage you in anyway, please do it... Our children are so valuable and their little hearts are irreplacable. It is our responsibility as adults to keep them safe. Unfortunately people that are trusted to educate children sometimes abuse them and it is really important to have the courage to report them.

All the best and I am so proud of you for wanting to bring this to the authorities...|||If you have a legitimate complaint, you should report it and not worry about anonymity. People who make anonymous complaints, in my experience, are the ones who are making unfounded allegations and trying to cause trouble.

The fact that you're wasting time asking this online instead of reporting straight away makes me think that your complaint isn't serious, but in the interests of transparency, you make a complaint through the principal of the school. Use the phrase "formal complaint" and it will be escalated to "investigation" level.|||You are making VERY serious allegations, which, if you really want something done about, you will have to repeat in court. If you`re not prepared to do that, and it would seem so if you wish to remain anonymous, then your allegations can only be regarded as malicious. Don`t forget that you will have to produce irrefutable evidence, supported by others, that your allegations are true.|||Go with Twiggy's advice- it's ironclad...|||If you think a child is being mistreated. STEP UP, don't be anonomyous. I would be very tactfuly about it. Don't want to get sued by the person you claiming to have done something, but You need to take some kind of action that will get something going and I don't believe that being anonymous will get that statrted. Most people take these allegations very serious and will look into them.|||Your question is a little vague. What do you mean by 'mistreatment?' This could be anything from favouritism to abuse. If you think the teacher is treated children unfairly, eg. inconsistent grading or giving some more attention than others, then maybe an anonymous letter would be appropriate. However, I'm not sure how seriously it would be taken. If, on the other hand, you know that children are being abused (emotionally or physically) you have a legal obligation to report this to the police or child protection services. Anonymity might be respected but you shouldn't really be worrying about that in this case.|||Don't sit around and worry about it; contact the principal first. You are entitled to a confidential conference. It is against the law for him (or her) to reveal your name.

If, as school gossip travels, you feel that someone in the building will recognize you and "tattle", then go, in person, to Child Protective Services, or whatever it is called in your area. Document as much as you know.

Your inquiry will be handled confidentially. I don't know about the civilian population where you live, and I really don't know about the laws in your state regarding teachers, but in my state, if I -- as a teacher -- suspect abuse of any kind from parents or someone in the field of education, and it "comes out" that I knew and didn't report it, I can be arrested and convicted of a felony. Not a misdemeanor -- a felony.

Just "reporting" does not ruin anybody's record. There will be an "investigation", particularly if the child is in immediate danger. No official record will be made, unless your report is deemed valid.

But, if you go outside the school to report -- at first -- their first question will be "Did you report this to the administrator?" If you have a valid reason for not doing so, then be prepared to explain why. If it's a valid reason, they will accept it. The child (or children) is the priority.

Do it. If there's "nothing to it". Then. You did your job. If there is "something to it", then you helped.|||contact the news media|||you Have to report them- its actually against the law to not report them- they can prosecute you if they find out later you knew-

tell them - screw the anonymity

tell your principal if you ahev to or a councillor- they can help you make the call.- we've done it at our school and the prin/ councillor sits by u to make the call.

a crime has been commited would u want it reported if it were your kid?

Is there a forum where consumers could discuss lawyer ethics, mistreatment and wrongdoings by lawyers?

I'm looking for a bulletin board (message board) where consumers (customers of attorneys and of lawyers) could ask questions and share info how they were mistreated by attorneys / lawyers and how their case was not processed or even worse if they paid the attorney / lawyer and did not get anything in return. I am aware of BBB and FTC, but I'd like to discuss first.|||There are many lawyers and law professionals on this site. You can ask question and get answers. You can also set up your own blogs and get responses there too. Try it out, it is very interesting, just be as specific as you can, without identifying yourself.

Could you sue the airline for mistreatment?

I saw on the news today that there was an airline that was stuck on the runway for 7 to 9 hours during the Snowtober storms. Apparently the passengers on board were not allowed to get off the plane for the entire time they were layed over and there was no food on the plane. Could the passengers sue the airline for mistreatment or not?|||Yes. I read about that to. The pilot was trying to get help, but wasn't given permission from his company. Plus, there was at least one passenger who needed medication and the toilets stopped working and overflowed. I'd call that abuse. The airline could have done 'something' to help those people. Their excuse was that the weather had caused an issue with them diverting planes, but this plane had already landed at an airport and just needed permission and help to get to a gate and deplane.|||If it had been the airlines fault, they would be entitled to compensation. In this case, however, the fault was the TSA's - they refused to allow the passengers to deboard as they had already allowed all their personnel to go home (on full pay!) because the weather had grounded all scheduled flights.

Richard|||You can sue anyone for anything. That does not mean you will win the case.|||In the US, passengers must be well compensated when kept on the tarmac for that long.

Has America fully repaid Native Americans for their mistreatment?

I'm doing this for a school project and I need your opinions.

- Do you think America has fully repaid the Native Americans?

- Why or why not?

- Do you think America can ever fully repay the Lakota for the massacre at Wounded Knee?|||How would America repay us for anything? Why do you people think it was a long time ago? It was not so long ago. In my lifetime, the govt was still conducting forced sterilization of NDN people. The boarding schools that took away our children to grow up away from their families in a hostile environment were still open. US govt termination of NDN tribes was in full swing, lands were still being confiscated. You people who answered that casinos were given to us are wrong. Our peoples who have casinos paid for them. They were not gifts from the govt. Investment companies loaned the money for construction at high interest and the tribes turn over control of the properties until the debt is paid. How do you pay for the destruction of 90-95% of our gene pool? How do you reimburse for the systematic destruction of culture and language and traditions that we have endured from America? No, there has been and will be no repayment. Not for the knee, or anything else.|||No we haven't; only a few tribes have casinos, and very few of them actually give out percapita. We pay the same taxes, Federal, Sales, and Income. Per capita, more of us serve in the Military than any other ethnic group.

For instance, I'm a Navajo, we don't get any free checks at all, neither do the Hopi our neighbors, or the White Mountain Apache.

We do it all on our own, been like that for decades. The Federals didn't give us schools, so we built our own, they didn't give us hospitals, so once again we made our own.

Just how things are friend, look at all these ignorant comments; they don't give a damn about us.|||Their making billions with all the casinos.

A statue carved in rock of "Sitting Bull" that's bigger then Mount Rushmore has been being worked on for the last 60 years.

This American owes no one. I did nothing wrong to the so called....Native Americans.


when they give their land back and reimbursed for their pain and suffering, then there will be pathways made to forgive, but they can never be paid back, the debt is eternal.

Then I guess this is the case for the whole ******* world since all races and cultures throughout human history have invaded, and have been invaded and conquered by someone.|||Did Spain repay Mexico? Did the all the European countries repay all the people they conquered? What about Rome? We owe the native american nothing. It was a long time ago, they were conquered and that is it. Move on.|||It's more complicated than that. Although the US definitely treated many of these peoples very badly, there was also a lot done on the other side.

Regardless if they can be fully repaid, there may always be bad blood on both sides.|||The government has not honored the contracts we made with the tribes so no. The U.S. government has a poor history of honoring agreements which is why I believe people who think the government should have more power are not very smart.|||No, but just like slavery, all of those indians that were effected by our cruel government are dead. Can my wife sue the Germans for forcing her grandfather into a WWII death camp? No.|||when they give their land back and reimbursed for their pain and suffering, then there will be pathways made to forgive, but they can never be paid back, the debt is eternal.|||America is full of Foreigners - we all came from other countries in the early 1900s. How does that make us responsible. The leftist Ideology is so stupid!

And all those people from back then are dead.

Like the FIRST INDIAN American conservative that won a seat in congress! FIRST WOMEN INDIAN!

Why didn't the left have any Indians, Cubians or Latinos for congress and senate like the right did? Is the left that racist?|||Yes they have. They get free college and all sort of free things. Plus they open all the casinos and make millions.

So get over it!|||Every nation on earth was founded on war and conquest in one way or another. What's done is done. It's time to move on.|||My ex wife used to repay them all the time at Foxwoods Casino|||They gave them p diddy and tv dinners that is more than enough eh.|||Yes.

Casinos|||Yes ten fold by their casinos|||Were they in the country legally? I think not... They don't deserve crap from us hard working conservative American Tea Partying tax payers|||They are all dead.

Why aren`t there lists of corporations considered poor employers because of their mistreatment of workers?

such as mass firings to guide prospective employees who are making career choices? If prospective employers are allowed to snoop through their resumes shouldn`t prospective employees be furnished with this important information about them?|||Corporations have power.|||So you don't think a company has the right to lay off employees?

Mistreatment of farm animals?

I need to do a report on the mistreatment of FARM animals and i need help.

What specifically do they do to animals?

Is it true that farm animals don't have any protection to prevent abuse?

What are bad things they do to them before they kill them?|||OK, so you need to try and seperate the truth from the hype and scare mongering.

These are some of the things I've SEEN this year:

EWE left to die of a urinary tract infection ( becasue the antibiotic injection costs 拢3 ( $6 ) adn the EWE was in her last year. Jsut left in the pen to die slowly over 2 weeks.

Lambs left dead in nursing pens with thier mums for many days. risk of infection, desease, troumor.

EWES cages in a tight forcing pen so they cannot lie down for a month, to allow rejected or other ewes lambs to milk from her

Fly strike left on sheep so they are eaten to death in a field by maggots.

Lambs left lame or trapped in fields so they starve to death.

Lambs left with worms so they get weak to the point of death before the farmer picks them up by a hind leg and puts them in a oen. Maybe they'll get an injection, maybe not.

Ewes force to birth because the farm hand wants to go home to watch eastenders.

Thats sheep, I have much to say on what i've seen with cattle. Although you will find cattle slightly better looked after because they are worth more.

Chickens, being of low value, are completely abused even on the best commercial farms. The only way to get cruetly free eggs is from a hobby or smallholding farm where they are considered as pets and looked after.

I put the blame squarely on the shoulders of meat eaters who have driven down prices to the extent that farmers can no longer give the care they want to, they just cannot afford it. The farmers I know are sickened by what they have to do - they went into farming because they like the job, not because they want to mistreat animals

In the UK Animal husbandry is controlled by DEFRA who contract out to the local council trading standards department. Most counties have 1 person to check all the farms.

The defined standards are quite good, just not adhered to.|||ok well what i know is that what they do too the poor pigs is that they take out their poor little teeth just like that w/ no pain killer or something i think its really cruel!

they give u a free vegetarian starting kit wich is a magazine w/ all that info!|||i love animal and i try not to eat meat because a few years back i saw a cow getting slottered and it was grossssss!|||look up at youtube and u will see really nasty videos of it trust me after i seen it i turend vegy|||Go to|||Compassion Over Killing ( has information on the cruel treatment of animals. is a great resource for veg*ans, and they have links for animal-rights and pro-veg groups.

Not only to farmed animals have no protection, there's really no inspection at slaughterhouses either to ensure the quality of the meat. If you really want something that will turn your blood cold, check out "Slaughterhouse" by Gail Eisnitz. There are excerpts from her book in "Skinny *****" by Kim Barnouin and Rory Freidman.|||

also go check out peta

r u also doing factory farms?|||Laying hens are routinely debeaked (with a hot knife and no anesthetic) so that, when they are crammed into a cage with half a dozen other birds, they won't peck each other to death from the stress of being so cramped. They cannot even spread their wings and many of them break legs or get deformed feet from the wire of the cages. Male chicks are discarded to suffocate or starve because they can't lay and laying chickens don't produce enough meat to be of use to a broiler operation.

Pigs are castrated and have their tails cut off so that when they are crammed into a feedlot, they can't bite each others' tails off in reaction to the stress.

Dairy cows are artificially inseminated over and over again to keep them lactating. Ninty percent of calves are taken from their mothers within 24 hours and 50% never get to suckle at all. Male calves are of no value to a dairy operation so they are sold for veal and kept in a crate so small that they can't lie down or turn around; they're slaughtered by the time they are 4 months old. In the meantime their mothers, who would live for 20 years under normal circumstances, are so worn out from pregnancy and continuous milk production that they have to be slaughtered for cheap beef at 5 or 6.

When they go to slaughter, it's anything but "humane." Cows are meant to be stunned before having their throats slit, but stunning doesn't always work and slaughter house employees have reported cattle getting as far as skinning while they are still alive. Chicken often get thrown in the scald tank still alive.

There's more... google it or pick up a book like "Diet for a New America" or "The Food Revolution" by John Robbins.|||OMG they shove things in their butts, rip off pieces of their bodies, stab them in their eyes how can you eat mammals anyway|||They are treated like property, not like breathing and feeling animals that have individual personalities and emotions. 'Tis true no matter how hard you train yourself to believe that they are fleshy machines.

Anyone that eats meat and says that animals have no other purpose hasn't visited a farm animal sanctuary.|||you can search on yahoo "mistreatment of farm animals" and it will show you sites with all the information you need.

there is plenty of bad things and you can even watch meat your meat(peta2) or watch the movie "fast food nation" and see the cows getting killed

i know! you should go on peta and order a starter pack thing and it comes with this booklet that tells you all about it! although im sure lots of other people already gave you answers!|||I'll give you one experience I had.

I responded to an add in the newspaper about chicken catching, I was young at the time, and naive. I figured chicken catching was where you would pick up a chicken, place it in a cage, and it would be transported by truck. I was todl to bring a face mask and gloves. I get to this barn in the middle of the night, walk inside, I almost threw up from the smell, and it was "dusty" or more like feathery. I was on the 2nd floor of the barn (or so it seemed) everything was pitch black except for some red lights on the chikens (I think they do this so the chickens can't see and freak out less) then some guys start running toward the chickens with white gates closing them into a corner, so it will be easier to access them. I am told to pick up 5 in each hand....(at this point im like ugh how..?) they then show me how to go under a chicken with one hand grab one leg and flip them upside down, then with chicken in hand (by one leg) go grab 4 others, then do same with other hand, so in the end you are holding 10 chickens upside down by one leg. Also I was told to try to be gentle not to break their legs, expecially when I take the chickens and pass to person who puts them on truck, since he has to squeeze my hand and the chickens legs in some manner that he can transfer them all to his hand by their lil legs. Everyone was picking up the chickens really fast, I on the other hand trying to be all gentle, after about 2 minutes I quit. Also since it was the 2nd floor or something, when people would pass the chickens to the person on the truck, some would fall, pretty sure some were injured badly, I thought about saving the chickens and somehow sneaking them out of there (the ones who had fallen) but I had no means of transportation, I will never forget the smell. I don't knwo if this is animal cruelty to everyones standards, but I am forever turned off of chicken. This was in Canada for the record and they were KFC chickens.|||So basically some peta supporting teacher told you that they do cruel things to animals on farms, and you being a student who should be able to believe your teachers took it at face value and believed the lies your teacher told you blindly. I have been on lots of farms and seen happy well fed well taken care of animals on every one of them. So the only place you are going to get this info is from peta or some vegan site where they stage the pictures and videos so that simple minded people like your teacher will continue to send them their paychecks, and those fat azzes at peta will never have to get real jobs.|||animal being slaughtered is already a mistreatment of farm animals, not giving a nice place to rest and sleep is also one.|||Animals are not mistreated or killed. They are raised for food.

1930s and the mistreatment of Farm Workers?

I need to create a 1930s poster encouraging farm workers to protest mistreatment.

"What sort of protest will you encourage? Use persuasive language and include examples of the wrongdoings you attempt to challenge."

I need some help, as I am very lost and not creative at all.

Thank you very much!|||If you have time (e.g. this isn't due tomorrow) skimming through the Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck or watching the movie would be helpful to get a grasp on the emotion and disparity of the time.

I'm also not in a creative mood, but something will probably come to me later, in which case I'll email you.|||Google Cesar Chavez! I know he was active in the 60s but he had some good slogans during his protests.

Would a cat forgive their owner for one incident of mistreatment?

Say a slap one time but it is not an every day thing will they start to hate their owner or they will eventually forgive?|||cat is a very forgiving creature.. eventually, they will.|||It is most likely that the cat will eventually forgive. To ensure this, give the cat treats and time to love and play.|||probably yes a cats memory is about 5 mouths so it would have forgotten it if it never happened again|||Cats and dogs eventually learn to not trust the owner if this keeps happening. Why are you slapping it? I really don't feel comfortable answering. I feel like if I say yes you will beat the cat. If I say no....?|||Keeping your pimp hand strong huh?

They'll forgive. Animals love unconditionally. Just don't do it again. Or they'll learn to fear your hand and might become aggressive towards hands or humans in general.|||they will eventualy get lonely and will forgive you.

Military movies involving mistreatment of women?

I'm trying to dissuade my friend and her parents from letting her join the army. If you disagree with this, please don't answer, I'm not looking for judgment. What I would like to hear are movies that involve the mistreatment of women in the army or military in general, like The General's Daughter. Any hint in the right direction would be great, thanks!|||ummm Movies are HOLLYWOOD and are sensationalized. Trust me, the movie Pearl Harbor was NOTHING like the actual attack.

and frankly..tain't none of your bizness if she chooses to enlist.

as for your absurd assumption: sexual harassment and discrimination is taken very seriously in the military and is punished under UCMJ. and career opportunities.. half of DHs CO have been Females, .. no Glass ceiling in the military.|||First of all, any movies that anyone could recommend are FICTION. You could recommend "Independence Day" to show her how she'll die when the aliens attack.

You are misinformed and misguided. With few exceptions, the women I've met in the service are happy with their choice, do excellent work, and many choose to reenlist and make a career out of it. One of my former commanding Officers is female and I found her to be a competent, efficient CO.

What are you trying to talk her out of? Training, pay and benefits, college money, veteran's preference hiring, confidence and physical conditioning, and the honor of serving are all part of enlisting.

You claim to be a friend, but are trying to talk her out of a decision that could greatly improve her life. I'd examine my own motives if I were you.|||Don't always base your beliefs on what are in the movies, often they are very wrong, outdated, misrepresented. There is no way you can compare what happens in a fictional movie to what can happen in her life if she goes into the military. She could easily have a hard time and mistreatment working at a car dealership, department store, McDonalds,....|||how would you f---in know the military mistreats women???!!! my sister and girlfriend are in the military having the best times of their lives. free eduacation, free food, free housing, and a guaranteed paycheck every month for 4 years! maybe you should do your friend a favor and support her decision you freakin idiot especially in a time where our economy is in the gutter and nobody can get a civilian job. have fun flippin burgers while your friend is getting a degree for FREE and getting paid way better than you will|||oh that will be a good idea,,,we all know how the media and hollywood correctly protray anything. you are going to use a MOVIE to make your case? how about a cartoon? or a comic strip? a movie is just that a movie,,,i would NOT base my life choices on a movie. why dont you mind your own business and let your friend make her own decisions. it is NOT up to YOU,,,it is NOT your life or your business.|||LOL you are going to show her fictional movies from HOLLYWOOD to try and convince your friend from not joining the military.

That's a hoot.

In Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, when did the mistreatment of students begin?

I know that Snape was assigned to Headmaster of Hogwarts prior to the beginning of the school year.

There was also a part in Deathly Hallows about how if a student got detention, they were used by DE's or Slytherins to practise the Cruciatus spell on, making them victims.

I was wondering whether this treatment of the students began at the beginning of the school year or whether it was toward the end?|||Beginning of the school year...remember that some of the Voldemort麓s (Death Eaters) followers were now teachers like Alecto and her brother and since Snape was now the head master they were in total reign...those bastards|||It was definitely in the beginning, because that's when Snape took over. However, they didn't mention it until the end, because that's when Harry came back. He wouldn't have been aware of it otherwise.|||Everyone had to learn the dark arts and they ALL had to take a class about how muggles are filthy. it started at the begining of the year when the death eaters started teaching. cuz they had time to write messages on the walls, rally supporters ,get in troubl,e and get nevilles gran in trouble.

neville ginny and luna were the in charge of all that stuff and apparently they started before xmas break cuz luna and ginny never came back.|||They never said, but they learned of it at the end of the year, on May 2. I would think beginning, however, since Death Eaters took over not long after school let out for the summer.

How have muslims been mistreated (oppressed) in the world? (Also could include past mistreatment)?

I wanted to know what groups/countries Muslims are mistreated in? How have they been mistreated?|||The oppression is built-in. Just look at their women.|||They are oppressed in their own countries by their own governments|||Just ask yourself which Muslim countries are invaded/occupied.|||They are oppressed by believing in a backward, misogynistic, violent religion and not having the good sense to abandon this nonsense.|||Go to youtube and type atrocities/murder ectra in Kashmir, Palestine, Bosnia, Chechnya, Iraq, Somalia, ectra|||In many Muslim countries the leaders are not Muslim or only claim to be yet do not follow the Quran and Sunnah. They oppress their very own people. Turkey for example has a ban on hijabs yet the majority of the population is Muslim which oppresses every one of the Muslim women to practice their religion. Also in other countries the leaders steal all the money from the oil money being made and the people of that country are very poor despite the large amount of money being made. Also some leaders support violence and terror against other faiths, nationalities, and even some against Islam but of different sects or schools of thought. Its really sad.|||I suppose you could make the argument that Muslims were mistreated during the crusades in the Middle Ages, but then again they killed quite a number of "infidels" as well. After 9/11 there was a lot of paranoia about any person connected to the Islamic faith. There are plenty of moderate and peace-loving, non-extremist Muslims that were wrongfully lumped in with the jihadist, kill every American type of Muslim.|||They are oppressed by theocracy and Sharia Law.|||They have been oppressed by their own beliefs in a false god. God won't bless them and their own god makes their life hard. It is an unending oppression you can escape the wrath to come for worshiping a false God and turn to Jesus as your Lord and life will have joy and meaning.

Good Luck

Who to contact anonymously with info of possible mistreatment?

I know someone working as a home care provider and getting very good pay for it through an agency of human service , but I heard that she's charging the woman money out of her pocket to live there among other things , what should I do ? who should I call I don't want to use my name as i am close to her I already told her how I feel so we haven't spoken in many months . any help would be appreciated.|||Contact the office of adult protective services. Your report will be completely anonymous.|||Report it to the human services agency.

How are black women planing on getting back at black men for past mistreatment?

All the past mistreatment black men did to black women|||Ok kid, Thats it for the day Go do your homework

@ by Shawn N

your just a white t@sh|||DON'T LISTEN TO THIS QUESTION! this white person is trying to divide black men from black women.

who ever asked this question is trying to turn black women against black men.

DON'T FALL FOR IT!|||Im half black and Asian, I just choose not to date black men anymore. They get upset when they see a woman like me dating someone who isnt black. Thats punishment enough.|||huh? black women arent "getting back" at anybody|||Anything in the past was done by white men!|||This is something that needs to be handled on an individual basis. You shouldn't stereotype people.|||That's an individual decision. How do I deal with a black man who mistreated me? I leave him I move on to bigger and better things. On to the next one.|||That makes no sense. Getting back at black innocent men.|||lol you got to be kidding me!

I love black men.|||huh? I LOVE black men and my dad is a black man...why would I wanna get back at them?|||they plan to marry fat white biothes. lol

What number can i call for the mistreatment of an employee?

today, i just got laid off work. but i find so many things that are wrong with the place i work with. i usually endure sexual harassment, mistreatment,long hours in the sun, and other issues.

is there a number that can help file abuse?

like labor departments

i need all the help as possible because i feel like there's something wrong. and i dont want to realized i got fired for nothing|||You would generally call the Labor Board in your state, but they may look at this as sour grapes now, but it is worth a try.|||You can contact the better business bureau, you can contact a corp office if they have one, you have a lot of options, but if you don't have proof to back up your claims you are waisting your time.

It will not keep you from getting a new job.|||your disgruntled move on with your life and find better people to work with.|||You didn't provide any details as to the sexual harassment or why you were treated differently. But you should file a complaint with the EEOC and let them investigate.

If you provided mor edetails , i could give you a better guess.

NOTE: If you file an EEOC complaints whether it is founded or unfounded, and if your current company or future company retaliates by either firing you or failing to hire you because of that complaint it is a violation of federal law and actionable in federal court.|||I wouldn't bother. I've read that this makes your future positions worse or harder to obtain. You are gone now. If you file complaints etc, it will be mentioned if other companies call to get your work history. This is why corporations are now like slave owners in my mind. You obey or the rest of your life will be hell.

If the sexual harassment is bad enough, call an attorney, but you may never get another job again if you do that. It's your decision to make.

Who was the catholic priest who conducted a long camping to protect native Americans from mistreatment?

There were several priests who went to extremes to save the native populations. Any idea what area he lived in?

The one who first came to mind for me was Bartolome de las Casas, who was one of the first advocates for the natives during the conquistador era.|||... and where did he camp? .... and did he use a tent or a camping trailer? The word you are looking for is CAMPAIGN, I believe.|||Father Junipero Serra

In To Kill a Mockingbird, what irony in the Maycomb ladies concern for the mistreatment of the Mrunas?

and Mrs. Merriweather's statement to Scout, "you are a fortunate girl. You live in a Christian home with Christian folks in a Christian town.|||The Mrunas? What/who's that I can't remember? I think the irony in the second statement is that the town was against Atticus for standing up for a black man. God wants us to love each other and treat others as our equals. That's where the irony lies.

To the answerer below, because maybe this dude is clever and wants to have a life outside of his education.|||they were concerned about the mistreatment about people in foreign countries but were mistreating the African Americans who lived near them?

How are Americans to be blamed for the horrible mistreatment of eskimos in canada?

I am obviously much older than you, but this is a new one, I have never heard of before. Where and who told you this?|||I'm sure the anti-American brainwashed masses will find a way

What are the best websites for information about animal mistreatment?

This includes factory farms, fur trade, wildlife and endangered species, zoos and animal testing|||

What is the best way to eliminate all mistreatment of animals in our world?

We need to overcome our current belief system and ideology that it is normal, necessary, and natural to exploit animals for food and other means. Melanie Joy examines what drives humans to this insensibility towards fellow creatures in her book "Why we love dogs, eat pigs, and wear cows." She calls it "carnism" and I like the approach she takes with it.

Going vegan is a fabulous start to avoid mistreatment of animals, and every single individual can make a huge difference by adopting a vegan lifestyle. However, to make this a broad mainstream movement, we need to address the underlying carnistic belief system, which is the building stone of the false justifications for animal exploitation.

Once people start opening their eyes to the wrongfulness of their "acceptable, traditional, cultural, learned, etc. behavior", we will start making inroads. So, let's try to do our part by being living examples for non-violence, by showing how easy it can be, and by sharing information and evidence of the animal suffering and its alternatives. I believe that humans inherently want to do the right thing and be compassionate - but people will only change once they are psychologically ready. Let's work on moving this readiness along!|||I don't know if you can eliminate *all* mistreatment, but you can certainly make a dent by going vegan. Over 95 percent of all animals exploited are for food. Stopping the breeding and raising of animals for food goes a long way. There will be incidental deaths--accidentally stepping on bugs, animals killed in harvesting of food (and when you consider animals raised for food have to eat, that really ups the animals killed in a carnistic system)--but you can avoid contributing to deliberate harm.|||eliminate all humans who mistreat them (only joking)

You can't because some people are very evil, it's distressing, and upsetting and damn annoying but that our world.

I've used the guilt trip on people so many times but they turn their backs and choose not to think about it, i do my best to help the animals, volunteered at an animal shelter...i was allergic to the cats but as soon as i get some tablets im going back to hep out again. I'm a vegetarian, and I'm working really hard in science because i want more than anything to be a vet. I'm also going to try and talk my dad into letting me adopt rats from a shelter as soon as a find one near me.

Animals are great and loving and loyal and just damn cute!|||I know that there will always be a human that eats meat. But there will always be vegans, too. I honestly don't think eliminating mistreatment of ALL animals in the world is possible, but I do hope someday that 3% of vegetarians in the country increases majorly, hopefully to at least 20%. 40% of India is vegetarian, let's try to beat them;)|||We need to build big, huge pens and put all the lions, tigers, wolves, etc., into one pen. Then put all the deer, elk, rabbits, etc., into the other pen. That way the big bad wolf won't tear the sweet little rabbit apart. Now what are we going to feed these pens full of animals........

Or are you only including human animals in your thoughts? In that case, why?|||Blow up the world. Nobody can cause suffering and the animals can't cause suffering to each other.

However, I don't recommend the above course of action.|||awareness programme around you and around your locality and make them aware of animal right to eliminate all mistreatment of animals in our world.|||eliminate all humans. sad, but true. there will always be evil in the world as long as humans populate it.|||By killing off the 96% of people on the planet that eat meat. No, I don't want to die. I like animals, but I also like meat.|||humans need to stop being as greedy.

we need to see animals as our equals, not as our prey or food

theres still hope ;]|||the only way is for the human race to be wiped out.|||Eating animals isn't mistreatment. Sorry.

Why does chronic mistreatment make some people mean?

My mom's second husband beats her ... and treats her terribly. My mom's turned into a very mean person, mad at the world, petty,vindictive, etc.

Why? Wouldn't she know how it feels and treat people well?|||easy for you to say if you don't mind me sayin...|||cuz they r stupet silly and they r also mean as wellllllll!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!|||She could have depression.

A symptom of depression is taking the pain out on the people around you. She's mad at the world so you're mad at the world.|||how thick can you get....

not everyone is strong enough to put up wi **** like that....

why dont you try %26amp; help your mom instead....|||if your mother beat you and treated you like that would you stay nice?|||she's a shell of person because of it. she is just reflecting him right now, which is what he wants.. then trust me, he will exploit her negative behavior as an explanation for his. She is terribly depressed and angry at her life.. no one wishes this for their family. Basically, he will hold her responsible for any petty or stupid thing and the consequenses are great.. therefore she is micromanaging the household to stay ahead of his tyrades... she is walking on egg shells.. this is terror in its most horrid form. he has taken her giving nature and twisted it. she needs immediate help.

please, please, this is so important, pass this website onto her. you view it too, don't stay in this situation. go talk to a school councelor or a trusted neighbor or friends mom. your mother is stuck and probably cannot even see that she is abused... she probably is still stuck in the mindset he put her in... in thinking that everything is her fault.鈥?/a>

God bless you and I am praying for you right now!

Heavenly Father, please be with this person and their mother.. lead them into safety and guide them with your perfect hand. Give them strength ... in Jesus name I pray, AMEN

Would u suit Santa Claus for animal mistreatment to the 12 reindeer forced to pull the extremely heavy sleigh?

If you watch some pictures of Santa Claus you will see that in many he appears with a whip, whipping the reindeer to pull faster. And Santa is a obese man so imagine how heavy is the sleigh adding all the presents !

Someone should start legal actions against him.|||All flying reindeer crave human flesh. Santa is whipping them because he is AFRAID!|||Santa is magic. His sleigh and presents are made lightwieght. His reindeer can fly, if I were them i'd be pretty chuffed. Plus it's only one day a year. I bet they get pampered for the rest of the year.|||given that these reindeer can fly, they are also probably quite strong.

What country's prime minister apoligized to Aborigines for their past mistreatment?

its either austrailia, brazil, china, congo, iran, iraq, japan, north korea, or spain

(its homework and those are the choices left)|||Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd, on 13th February 2008.|||australia!|||Australia|||Australia|||Australia has recently apologized - Canada apologized last year for their mistreatments of aboriginal peoples.|||Australia is where the Aborigines are from

Saturday, November 19, 2011

What is one cause of animal suffering? What is one mistreatment of dogs?

help?|||some ppl took greyhounds that either werent qualified for racing or had injured themselves (as little as a broken toe) and would slaughter them. they would chop them into little pieces and discard of them. some ppl (if on a ship) would take greyhounds and cut them up and throw them overboard. ppl would then find pieces of dog on their beaches. here are some pix鈥?/a>鈥?/a>鈥?/a>鈥?/a>鈥?/a>鈥?/a>鈥?/a>


鈥?/a>鈥?/a>|||Humans, on the whole.|||Abandoment and not having your pets spayed or nuetered.|||The biggest cause I've personally noticed for animal suffering is lack of research of proper care and diet on the part of the owner..

People get a pet without reading enough beforehand to ensure they can properly care for a pet. That results in them failing to provide everything their pet needs. For instance, buying a tortoise and failing to provide UVB light leading to the tortoises failure to use calcium and development of metabolic bone disease. Buying a dog and not providing socialization and keeping it on a chain in the backyard without providing for its need to be part of a pack. Failure to provide heartworm prevention in the southern states. Getting a cat and just feeding it the cheapest cat food you can find and then having it euthanized when it ends up with urinary tract blockages or kidney disease from the poor food you fed it..

The list could go on and on for stupid things people do because they couldn't take the time to type something into Google search or read a book beforehand.

Who is responsible for the mistreatment of newborns at the hospital? When they are left abandoned and hungry?

The newborns are taken from their mothers and placed in a display room that has airconditioning and is cold. They are in bright light that hurts their eyes and makes their pain extreme. Food is only supplied when the schedule allows. Some die from "failure to thrive" or shock.|||Most hospitals now have the babies room-in with their mothers. I would steer clear of any hospital that took the babies away and then neglected them.|||I don't know what hospital you are talking about. I know my hospital isn't like that. They bring in the babies like the mother ask and each feeding. And I know the nursery and so on isn't cold at all. The babies can stay in the room with the mother all day long. If you are breastfeeding and told them no bottle or anything and the bay in the nursery during the night they bring the baby in. But if any ever like that to happen it would be best bet to get a lawyer.|||Where did you ever hear of this happening??? I've always had my babies in the room with me all the time unless I asked otherwise. I control how much light is in the room. I feed the baby whenever it's hungry.|||I am just curious, where you are getting your info? I have not heard of this. If this is true, of course it would be the hospitals responsiability. |||Which country are you in? That doesn't happen in America. Here, your baby is kept with you right after birth and they stay in the room the whole time you're there if you want them to. I've never seen a nursery that is cold and has bright lights. If you're getting your info from a movie, why not try actually going to the hospital and seeing for yourself?|||My daughter had to be on oxygen for 5 days, so I was in the nursery every 1.5-2 hours to feed her and cuddle with her. The babies in there are not neglected. If they aren't under the warmers, they are bundled up. They are played with %26amp; fed, but moms are expected to get them in their room.

And hospitals have bright lights, but our nursery dimmed my daughter's section at night since she was in the sick area and not with the others. They need lights to see the babies and make sure nothing is wrong. Would you want the nurses to miss a symptom because they are working in the dark?

Who was the Catholic preist who conducted a long campaign to protest Native Americans from mistreatment?

Perhaps you're thinking of Bartolome de las Casas. He was a Spanish missionary priest in Venezuela who fought to protect the Native Americans there.鈥?/a>

What is a UNIQUE topic involving the mistreatment of one animal species or one cause of animal suffering?

I need an essay topic that is not well known. Does anyone have suggestions?|||You could do the Bush Meat Trade. It's in either Africa or India (or both). People basically take a whole bunch of monkeys out of the wild and kill them for food :(

I'm not 100% sure if that's exactly what it is, but I'm sure you could find stuff about it online =)|||You could research/study how male silverback gorillas (in captivity) act towars female gorillas when there are female humans around them. (The males get really violent towards the female gorillas).|||bestiality

How do I report Employee mistreatment at my Nursing home job?

I currently work at a nursing home facility and they are calling you telling you that you were scheduled to come in when you were not, constantly and also reportedly and intentionally mispay you. I was also informed that they fire employees right before the 3 month mark so they dont have to pay for the union|||I would get another job first and then report it.

Where can I contact a LGBT Rights group inolving a mistreatment that involved me?

I live in Pennsylvania. I was "harassed" according to the cops. I believe it was assault and a hate crime. Unfortunately in PA a hate crime isn't defined by sexual orientation. I have strong reason to believe the cops will drop the charge and if they don't the local magistrate will.|||Hey, click here and good luck!

Has anyone else witnessed the mistreatment of dogs by the homeless in Paris France?

When I was recently there, homeless men would sit on the sidewalk with a dog and keep him in a sleeping position. If the dog tried to move or get up, he would be hit. Several times I heard a dog welp and that is what got my attention.|||actually i noticed the contrary even homeless ppl took care of their dogs|||Homeless are not known for their tenderness, their life is too hard to have warmy huggy feelings. However I have never seen a homeless hit his dog other than an open handed not that hard slap and I have never heard a dog yelp in pain in the 20+ years I've lived in Paris.|||Oh my god... I'm impressed that the dog treatment kept your attention more than the homeless people condition... Can't you understand dogs are the only friends they have ? Do you really think they mistreat them non stop ? And in addition, is it only a french specificity ?|||No, I haven't. But I have seen dogs sitting on a chair in an outdoor cafe while the owner (not homeless) was having coffee. Be careful around homeless ppl (regardless of city). Many are very troubled ppl.|||When I was there a couple of months ago, I would see a group of homeless people sitting in the same spot in front of a bank on Bd de Rouchechouart with a dog - he was treated very well as far as I could see.....|||No, never seen that in France or the UK. For many homeless their dog is probably the only source of unbiased affection that they get.

How do I go about reporting a Dentist in the state of Nebraska about mistreatment?

subjective. Didn't like the way she dressed or the way that she had body piercings. Told her she could not have anything for pain when her mouth was not deadened when he continued working on her teeth.|||You can file a complaint with the state medical and dental licensing board.... but if you looking for compensation... your not going to find any finical gains.... it takes a lot to get an actual investigation started.... basically.... it filed on def ears until may complaints are file...|||Lawyers - there are some who will work for free.

Docs/dentists have high insurance rates - that could shoot up even higher with a case - so may be you can seriously tell him you are going to sue and that it self should suffice for him to cough up some.

Who do you contact if you want to report a united nations employee for mistreatment?

A UN employee hired a family memebr of mine to work as a housekeeper and treated her like a slave, not feeding her much, little to no pay, and kept her in the basement.|||Well this is where you would complain;鈥?/a> I hope this helps, you can not treat people like this and get away with it.

Which animal never forgets mistreatment and waits for the right moment to retaliate?

Is it Scorpio?|||many animals including chimps, elephants, killer whales and dolphins will do this. Basically all intelligent animals, including (sigh( humans.|||Scorpio would be the astrology sign for the Scorpion. I don't know if the animal itself acts in that manner or not, but I am a Scorpio and that sure would describe the way I think in such matters.|||Do you mean animal or zodiac sign? I know nothing of astrology, but a mule will never forget mistreatment, and has been known to kill people with a single kick to the kidneys when he found his right moment for retaliation.|||an elephant|||I heard cats and pit bulls|||Republicans

Is it true KFC are associated with the mistreatment of chickens?

I find it hard to believe a big chain like KFC can be capable of animal cruelty and not have animal welfare organisations constantly on their back about it though.|||Yes, it is true. Go to this website:

In fact, about 2 years ago, I signed a petition for the prevention of cruelty of the chickens. You can also go to the PETA website, and type KFC in the search engine, and there are thousands of results.|||they get them from a company the breeds them and then kills them but its not cruelty because thats what they are breed for

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|||To shaze lee .... Even if your are going to eat it at the end of the day , slaughtering them does not have to be in barbaric and ruthless manner...

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|||Any company that cuts chicken up and put them in boiling oil, cannot be a friend of the chicken. At best, they are a friend to your stomach and indirectly to their pockets.

Humans are omnivores. Their diet is a mix of plant and animal life. That many choose to eat chickens compared to other forms of meat e.g beef, pork etc is not necessarily a "bad" thing. Chicken, pound for pound, has the least carbon footprint i.e reasonably environmentally friendly.

When goods and services are delivered for the ultimate human consumption, there are various distribution agents involved (depending on the goods/services).

KFC does not necessarily control the whole chain. They have the purchasing clout but it is hard to control what others do! If you have hard evidence then you can, if you feel strongly enough, to do something about it. The key word is hard evidence. Some competitors sometimes spread rumours (especially in the food industry) where many factors can put people off e.g. food hygiene, shop cleanliness etc, etc.

Your question tells me that at least you are a sensitive and caring person. That's important. Wisdom only comes with experience, maturity and time. Good luck, and I hope you do not get roughed up too much to become cynical and disgruntled.|||I hope not.

If that were the case I supose your right we would be hearing a lot from PETA, but haven't heard anything. I hope that isn't true, I enjoy eating KFC minus the skin and would be turned off if I new that they were mistreating the poor chickens.

OMG I don't think I would want to watch that link provided by the above person. I'm not eating KFC anymore.|||it is NOT cruel: fix your broken vocab

since the primary purpose raising animals for food is to benefit people, and NOT to harm the animal for the sake of harm, it DOES NOT meet the definition of 'cruel'

as animals do NOT have rights it's not rational for you to campaign thusly on their behalf|||its cruelty that they are killed in the first place. but thats just nature nothing is fair in life. if they were in the wild they would be hunted by fox's, cats, dingo's ect so if you eat meat as i do we cant complain as they are being killed anyway for our own greed so if it really upsets you this much dont eat it.|||Yea. I watched that vidoe and it was very depressing. I know some-one that works at one (im in australia) and i never go there because of what i have heard them doing to teh chickens. Would othe places like hungry jacks or mcdonalds do the same?|||Yep It's true, It will show you In hidden cameras In the slaughterhouses of how they kill them, they are still alive and they hang them onto a hook and drop them In boiling water.|||animal welfare organizations ARE all over them. PETA makes stickers and buttons that say KFC is bad and all this other stuff. I think its I dont think kfc is that good to begin with. Popeyes is better.

How many times have you heard about the mistreatment of black people in school?

Why do the teachers feel the need to guilt-trip us? You don't hear anyone complaining about the Asian American internment camps during World War II. Ever.|||Actually, we covered the interment camps in my high school history class... Unfortunately we were also taught that slavery was the primary cause of the Civil War. C'est la vie.

Also, it depends greatly on where you live. Out here in Northern California with its very large Asian/Asian-American population, you still hear references to it now and again.|||I have always believed the civil was about the north wanting to stay all one more country and the south wanted to break off from the north to be an independent country. The slavery part was and issue like the economy is today.|||I've never heard of it...someone wants to play victim...want some empathy? Some sorrow? Huh?

What is it about humans that makes them survive in spite of the mistreatment of others? What gives us hope? W?

I would jus like ur opinion on these questions. I read this book in class called Cooper sun and we have 2 do an eassy on 1 out of 4 questions and this waz one of them. Cooper sun was about slavery and the severe treatments slaves got by their owners who considered them their property.|||Hope is a belief in a positive outcome related to

events and circumstances in one's life. Hope

implies a certain amount of perseverance i.e.

believing that a positive outcome is possible even

when there is some evidence to the contrary.

A person who dreads of 'what tomorrow may bring'

looses the zeal of life itself. He can not live in

the present even for one day. I do not agree that

'any person can fight the battles of just one

day'. There are many in the world who fight their

battles life long, and still live with some hope.

It is nice to live for today and complete what is

to be done today. But humans are distinguished

from the rest of the living beings by hope. For

other living beings, there may not be tomorrow.

But hope is life for humans. Tomorrow may not come

for a few. But the others are sure that there will

be a day after present one. And it is hoped by

many to be a little better than today. What is not

realized today may be within our reach tomorrow.

It is hope that make people to live through all

torments of life. The moment a person loses hope,

the very zeal to live is lost.

Living in the past is dreaming. Living in the

present is intuition connected to basic instincts.

Living in hope of is humanistic rationality

to look for future.

Hope - Pandora brought the jar with the evils and

opened it. It was the gods` gift to man, on the

outside a beautiful, enticing gift, called the

"lucky jar." Then all the evils, those lively,

winged beings, flew out of it. Since that time,

they roam around and do harm to men by day and

night. One single evil had not yet slipped out of

the jar. As Zeus had wished, Pandora slammed the

top down and it remained inside. So now man has

the lucky jar in his house forever and thinks the

world of the treasure. It is at his service; he

reaches for it when he fancies it. For he does not

know that the jar which Pandora brought was the

jar of evils, and he takes the remaining evil for

the greatest worldly good - it is hope! For Zeus

did not want man to throw his life away, no matter

how much the other evils might torment him, but

rather to go on letting himself be tormented anew.

To that end, he gives man hope.

“A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity;

an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.”

- Winston Churchill

"Three grand essentials to happiness in this life

are something to do, something to love, and

something to hope for." - Joseph Addison

Hope is the thing with feathers

That perches in the soul,

And sings the tune without the words,

And never stops at all,

And sweetest in the gale is heard;

And sore must be the storm

That could abash the little bird

That kept so many warm.

Delicious Hope! when naught to man is left -

Of fortune destitute, of friends bereft;

When even his dog deserts him, and his goat

With tranquil disaffection chews his coat

While yet it hangs upon his back; then thou,

The star far-flaming on thine angel brow,

Descendest, radiant, from the far skies

To touch the deepest depths of the heart

People sow seeds with hope

And hope is the seed of life

People through ages hoped for eternity

Because hope is as great as eternity

Never give-up hope, never ever

Hope is your best mate, all the time

Even if all desert you unexpectedly

Hope will be with you, if you wish....|||my english is not very good but i 'll try........

i believe is humans inner strength, our capability to overcome from horrible situations. Even when we think we can't take it any more there is hope to help us go through it. Humans desire for life is greater than you may think. There is a little voice inside of everyone that encourage us to continue trying...insisting...we all want to left our mark in this world, to do something great or even remarkable and to do that we need to be determine to survive!|||...hope and faith that change will intervene to make their Lives better - i.e. the end of WWII - thus the end of innocent killings and suffering of people...