Saturday, November 19, 2011

Why is the government against the mistreatment of animals but supports the killing of unborn babies?

The killing of an alligator in its natural environment is unlawful, but an unborn baby no.|||This is the elephant in the living room that animal rights advocates who also support abortion do not want to talk about.

Whether or not one believes that a human being is more than just an animal, he is at least an animal and whether or not he deserves more respect than another animal, he at least does not deserve less. So then, if one believes it is wrong to kill an animal for human convenience or other reasons, then to be consistent, one should also believe it is at least as wrong to kill a human being for other humans' convenience, or comparable other reasons.|||Because the government refuses to believe scientists and doctors when they say a "fetus" is alive.

Apparently, the vagina secretes magic "Life Juices" during childbirth that causes a fetus to become alive. But up until that moment, the baby is nothing more than a blob of flesh... with a heartbeat, brainwaves, and friggin finger nails!

In essence, abortion is immoral and evil and therefore automatically accepted by society as being "okay."|||Animals were given status equal to or above that of Human beings, not too long ago by Animal activists. Testing products on animals is illegal and you pay the price it you get cancer or liver disease. It's called Humanistic Evolution.|||It's all about population control. not wanting to have to pay for mothers hard up for money. it's not really benefitting society because the less population, less taxpayers and workers.

(Yeh, if you've been to an abortion clinic, I'm sure you won't see a lot of zygotes but several body parts instead. People just don't want to know that.)|||Because people feel self righteous when they give people "freedom of choice" and protect "defenseless little animals".

Idiots.|||the animals actually suffer.|||You mean termination of a zygote?

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