reported them? like a 1800 number or something?|||Yes, but you may have to identify yourself at least to the school principal or AP. Even though they should not identify you be sure to get a policy statement about that from them or a statement written out and signed. They should understand your request.
They in turn investigate the claim you've made and report to the Dept. of Family and children's service, or what ever the child protection is called in your school district. Teachers in Georgia are bound by law to report mistreatment.|||You would have to report them to the administration of the school, and most schools don't have 800 numbers. You could probably send them a letter, if you wanted to be anonymous.|||Call child protective services in your area. You can call anonomously and they have to investigate.|||Some districts allow you to bypass the teacher and administrators and report it directly to the district. Then, they send someone out to the school to investigate.
I think this policy evolved because parents felt ignored at the school level. Most people view complaining parents who bypass the teacher or administrators negatively. For ex., a teacher may get fed up with a kid's constant request and answer with a quip. The student takes it seriously and then tells his parents his teacher told him to do x behavior. The parents don't ask any questions to the teacher to get her side. They just report it. In some situations, the cases are worthy of investigation, but a lot of times, it is just nonsense. It is just some student who doesn't want to admit he was acting badly in class, doesn't get social clues, or wants to cause problems for a teacher he doesn't like.|||Depending on where you live there is child abuse hotline number in your telephone directory.|||crime stoppers....police will handle it much better than administrators will|||There will be some kind of child protection services in your area. You can call them anonymously and explain exactly what your concerns are. This sounds serious so if I can encourage you in anyway, please do it... Our children are so valuable and their little hearts are irreplacable. It is our responsibility as adults to keep them safe. Unfortunately people that are trusted to educate children sometimes abuse them and it is really important to have the courage to report them.
All the best and I am so proud of you for wanting to bring this to the authorities...|||If you have a legitimate complaint, you should report it and not worry about anonymity. People who make anonymous complaints, in my experience, are the ones who are making unfounded allegations and trying to cause trouble.
The fact that you're wasting time asking this online instead of reporting straight away makes me think that your complaint isn't serious, but in the interests of transparency, you make a complaint through the principal of the school. Use the phrase "formal complaint" and it will be escalated to "investigation" level.|||You are making VERY serious allegations, which, if you really want something done about, you will have to repeat in court. If you`re not prepared to do that, and it would seem so if you wish to remain anonymous, then your allegations can only be regarded as malicious. Don`t forget that you will have to produce irrefutable evidence, supported by others, that your allegations are true.|||Go with Twiggy's advice- it's ironclad...|||If you think a child is being mistreated. STEP UP, don't be anonomyous. I would be very tactfuly about it. Don't want to get sued by the person you claiming to have done something, but You need to take some kind of action that will get something going and I don't believe that being anonymous will get that statrted. Most people take these allegations very serious and will look into them.|||Your question is a little vague. What do you mean by 'mistreatment?' This could be anything from favouritism to abuse. If you think the teacher is treated children unfairly, eg. inconsistent grading or giving some more attention than others, then maybe an anonymous letter would be appropriate. However, I'm not sure how seriously it would be taken. If, on the other hand, you know that children are being abused (emotionally or physically) you have a legal obligation to report this to the police or child protection services. Anonymity might be respected but you shouldn't really be worrying about that in this case.|||Don't sit around and worry about it; contact the principal first. You are entitled to a confidential conference. It is against the law for him (or her) to reveal your name.
If, as school gossip travels, you feel that someone in the building will recognize you and "tattle", then go, in person, to Child Protective Services, or whatever it is called in your area. Document as much as you know.
Your inquiry will be handled confidentially. I don't know about the civilian population where you live, and I really don't know about the laws in your state regarding teachers, but in my state, if I -- as a teacher -- suspect abuse of any kind from parents or someone in the field of education, and it "comes out" that I knew and didn't report it, I can be arrested and convicted of a felony. Not a misdemeanor -- a felony.
Just "reporting" does not ruin anybody's record. There will be an "investigation", particularly if the child is in immediate danger. No official record will be made, unless your report is deemed valid.
But, if you go outside the school to report -- at first -- their first question will be "Did you report this to the administrator?" If you have a valid reason for not doing so, then be prepared to explain why. If it's a valid reason, they will accept it. The child (or children) is the priority.
Do it. If there's "nothing to it". Then. You did your job. If there is "something to it", then you helped.|||contact the news media|||you Have to report them- its actually against the law to not report them- they can prosecute you if they find out later you knew-
tell them - screw the anonymity
tell your principal if you ahev to or a councillor- they can help you make the call.- we've done it at our school and the prin/ councillor sits by u to make the call.
a crime has been commited would u want it reported if it were your kid?
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