Saturday, November 19, 2011

How many times have you heard about the mistreatment of black people in school?

Why do the teachers feel the need to guilt-trip us? You don't hear anyone complaining about the Asian American internment camps during World War II. Ever.|||Actually, we covered the interment camps in my high school history class... Unfortunately we were also taught that slavery was the primary cause of the Civil War. C'est la vie.

Also, it depends greatly on where you live. Out here in Northern California with its very large Asian/Asian-American population, you still hear references to it now and again.|||I have always believed the civil was about the north wanting to stay all one more country and the south wanted to break off from the north to be an independent country. The slavery part was and issue like the economy is today.|||I've never heard of it...someone wants to play victim...want some empathy? Some sorrow? Huh?

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