Thursday, November 24, 2011

What is the best way to eliminate all mistreatment of animals in our world?

We need to overcome our current belief system and ideology that it is normal, necessary, and natural to exploit animals for food and other means. Melanie Joy examines what drives humans to this insensibility towards fellow creatures in her book "Why we love dogs, eat pigs, and wear cows." She calls it "carnism" and I like the approach she takes with it.

Going vegan is a fabulous start to avoid mistreatment of animals, and every single individual can make a huge difference by adopting a vegan lifestyle. However, to make this a broad mainstream movement, we need to address the underlying carnistic belief system, which is the building stone of the false justifications for animal exploitation.

Once people start opening their eyes to the wrongfulness of their "acceptable, traditional, cultural, learned, etc. behavior", we will start making inroads. So, let's try to do our part by being living examples for non-violence, by showing how easy it can be, and by sharing information and evidence of the animal suffering and its alternatives. I believe that humans inherently want to do the right thing and be compassionate - but people will only change once they are psychologically ready. Let's work on moving this readiness along!|||I don't know if you can eliminate *all* mistreatment, but you can certainly make a dent by going vegan. Over 95 percent of all animals exploited are for food. Stopping the breeding and raising of animals for food goes a long way. There will be incidental deaths--accidentally stepping on bugs, animals killed in harvesting of food (and when you consider animals raised for food have to eat, that really ups the animals killed in a carnistic system)--but you can avoid contributing to deliberate harm.|||eliminate all humans who mistreat them (only joking)

You can't because some people are very evil, it's distressing, and upsetting and damn annoying but that our world.

I've used the guilt trip on people so many times but they turn their backs and choose not to think about it, i do my best to help the animals, volunteered at an animal shelter...i was allergic to the cats but as soon as i get some tablets im going back to hep out again. I'm a vegetarian, and I'm working really hard in science because i want more than anything to be a vet. I'm also going to try and talk my dad into letting me adopt rats from a shelter as soon as a find one near me.

Animals are great and loving and loyal and just damn cute!|||I know that there will always be a human that eats meat. But there will always be vegans, too. I honestly don't think eliminating mistreatment of ALL animals in the world is possible, but I do hope someday that 3% of vegetarians in the country increases majorly, hopefully to at least 20%. 40% of India is vegetarian, let's try to beat them;)|||We need to build big, huge pens and put all the lions, tigers, wolves, etc., into one pen. Then put all the deer, elk, rabbits, etc., into the other pen. That way the big bad wolf won't tear the sweet little rabbit apart. Now what are we going to feed these pens full of animals........

Or are you only including human animals in your thoughts? In that case, why?|||Blow up the world. Nobody can cause suffering and the animals can't cause suffering to each other.

However, I don't recommend the above course of action.|||awareness programme around you and around your locality and make them aware of animal right to eliminate all mistreatment of animals in our world.|||eliminate all humans. sad, but true. there will always be evil in the world as long as humans populate it.|||By killing off the 96% of people on the planet that eat meat. No, I don't want to die. I like animals, but I also like meat.|||humans need to stop being as greedy.

we need to see animals as our equals, not as our prey or food

theres still hope ;]|||the only way is for the human race to be wiped out.|||Eating animals isn't mistreatment. Sorry.

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