Thursday, November 24, 2011

As an ugly person, should i take my own life because the constant mistreatment?

People have various opinions about different things. Some are positive, and some are negative. One opinion I might have about you is: "you are beautiful". Its just an opinion...a idea. It not true, nor is it false...its something that i think...its my opinion, something that I am entitled to. Same with: "you are ugly"...just an opinion, a thought coming from another person. If I came up to you and said, "you are beautiful"...How would you interpret that? a positive way right? would take that as a compliment. What you have to understand though, is that "you are beautiful" is an opinion, not a fact. YOU chose to interpret it the way YOU wanted to. Same thing works with, "you are ugly"...interpret it the way you want to. You can either get all upset about it...or can just say that I am entitled to my own opinion.

Is there a standard for beauty?...How do you know what is beautiful and what isnt?...After all its only a bunch of opinions. Even if you think a person might obviously be very pretty, or handsome...its only an opinion...there is no standard for beauty. If some one talks about you behind your back and you dont hear, do you get upset? You dont since you didnt even hear how can a thought cause you to get upset?...its only when you do hear it, and interpret it in a negative way...only then do you get upset. People dont get other people upset...its the way you interpret it that creates specific emotions.|||i think you need to find something in life that has nothing to do with looks, e.g. work on the internet or something, and basicaly just cheer up, youll never get anywhere thinking like that.|||honestly if you are concerned about physical appearance enough, there's plastic surgery|||if you're really THAT ugly then you should know there's women out there that are JUST as ugly or worse so you have hope in that department. as far as other people go, if u dont ask them what they're laughing at then you shouldn't assume that they're laughing at you because you're ugly. learn to be comfortable for who you are inside, if someone cant accept you the way you are then it's not worth having them in your life|||WHAT? TAKE UR OWN LIFE %26amp; THEN HAVE THE DEVIL LAUGH AT YOU, I DON'T THINK SO. LIVE THE LIFE GOD GAVE YOU AND LET HIM HAVE THE SAY SO WHEN ITS OVA. DO U REALIZE HOW MANY BEAUTIFULLY F***ED UP PEOPLE THERE ARE? THOSE WHO VERBALIZE NEGATIVE ISSUES NEED TO OWN THEIR OWN SH**. THEIR THE ONES WITH ISSUES DEAR NOT YOU.|||If you don't like the way you look, then change!|||If you can't stand hell in life, you certainly won't tolerate the real one when you're dead. Suicide isn't the answer. Instead, vent all your frustration, anger, and despair to God- He specializes in hurting people. The Lord helped me when I was in torment, and no one else could.

I'm not talking religion here- it's about relationship. Get one going with God through Jesus Christ, and He'll bring you favor with Himself and with people. He'll cause enemies to leave you alone if you try to please Him. And He'll change you from the inside out. Just invite Jesus Christ into your heart by asking, believe on Him, talk to Him and live by His Word (in the Bible) every day. Stay busy by serving Him in a local Bible-believing church and make new friends there who will love you.

The Lord has turned my life around and He can and will do the same for you if you trust Him. He has no favorites.|||please don't think taking your own life helps what would help others is you becoming the person you want to be your life is as precious as a star in the heavens those people that mistreat you are the shameful ones looks matter to those who are shallow i pity them as they can never grow to be beautiful and fulfilled as i am sure you can you show them and stick your fingers up at them good luck and take care of your self|||become successful in an Jesus loves you....he dont think yur ugly|||beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and if you're a good person with a great personality it will shine through and make you look good on the outside, trust me it happens all the time

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