Saturday, November 19, 2011

Has anyone else witnessed the mistreatment of dogs by the homeless in Paris France?

When I was recently there, homeless men would sit on the sidewalk with a dog and keep him in a sleeping position. If the dog tried to move or get up, he would be hit. Several times I heard a dog welp and that is what got my attention.|||actually i noticed the contrary even homeless ppl took care of their dogs|||Homeless are not known for their tenderness, their life is too hard to have warmy huggy feelings. However I have never seen a homeless hit his dog other than an open handed not that hard slap and I have never heard a dog yelp in pain in the 20+ years I've lived in Paris.|||Oh my god... I'm impressed that the dog treatment kept your attention more than the homeless people condition... Can't you understand dogs are the only friends they have ? Do you really think they mistreat them non stop ? And in addition, is it only a french specificity ?|||No, I haven't. But I have seen dogs sitting on a chair in an outdoor cafe while the owner (not homeless) was having coffee. Be careful around homeless ppl (regardless of city). Many are very troubled ppl.|||When I was there a couple of months ago, I would see a group of homeless people sitting in the same spot in front of a bank on Bd de Rouchechouart with a dog - he was treated very well as far as I could see.....|||No, never seen that in France or the UK. For many homeless their dog is probably the only source of unbiased affection that they get.

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