Thursday, November 24, 2011

Is feminism mankind's revenge on women for millennia of mistreatment?

For thousands of years, men were forced to die in wars, to toil laboriously, and to quietly accept their women's domestic lives of leisure. But under feminism, men can sit at home while their wives bring home the bacon and they can get lots of kitty without any need for commitment. So is feminism the long-awaited revenge against thousands of years of abuse by the hands of women?|||this is the main problem with feminism. It is one sided. They act as if only women go through/went through hardships and struggles and all men live the good life. It is a sick and disturbing way to look at things.

Jade196's gynocentrism in her answer just proves this point. This is why feminists should not be taken seriously and used as a the basis of equality and gender issues|||Hmmm... so women were married off to whatever man picked them and pleased their father. They were forced to have sex and be with that man for the rest of their lives. They were required to raise the children and cook and clean and care for house and home. Most people were struggling just to eat.

They couldn't own land, couldn't learn, couldn't follow most any career path, and weren't taken seriously (their opinions and thoughts). And women were the ones abusing the men?

Women had no choice over how the majority of their lives played out. They had no possible way to abuse men through their life decisions because they had no choices.|||and women can also get it without any commitment too right?|||Yes! Yes! We will extract our revenge from them!

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